Redactie - 25 mei 2021

Nutanix Cloudscape Partner Xchange 2021

Nutanix Cloudscape Partner Xchange 2021 image

Join us for our virtual CloudScape and Partner Xchange events on 16 June to learn more about the Journey to Multicloud and how we support our customers and partners for the future.

Tune in to experts, visionaries and leaders as they explore how the cloudscape is evolving, and what information you need to build future-proof robust cloud strategies.

During CloudScape: Hear from Peter Hinssen, one of the most sought-after thought leaders on radical innovation.

Experience how one of our customers Royal Vopak, deploys Nutanix Enterprise cloud to the edge globally and manages remote operations worldwide from a single management interface, while staying in control of high security demands.

Stay tuned for our Partner Xchange Awards ceremony which starts straight after CloudScape, live from the studio presented by our own regional leaders: Patrick van der Werken and Sunil Dutt.

We look forward seeing you at our virtual event and who knows… you might even win an award!

Register now

BW Dutch IT Partner Day tm 11-06-2024 Nutanix BW start 6 mei - 20 mei
Dutch IT Partner Day 11 juni2024

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