Redactie - 12 maart 2019

AWS Summit Amsterdam

AWS Summit Amsterdam image

Join the AWS Summit Amsterdam, meet our local team and learn how the cloud is accelerating innovation in businesses of all sizes. During this free event on April 17th, you will learn more about the Amazon Web Services platform through breakout sessions that cover a wide range of topics from new services and architecture to performance and operations. You will also have the opportunity to hear from Benelux customers about their journey to the cloud.

So whether you are just getting started on the cloud or a proficient user, come and learn something new at the AWS Summit Amsterdam.

Op 17 april aanstaande vindt de AWS Summit weer plaats in de RAI, Amsterdam. Deze dag staat in het teken van inspiratie en praktijkvoorbeelden. Luister bijvoorbeeld naar de inspirerende keynote spreker Ian Massingham, Director, AWS Developer Technology & Evangelism, en spreek met verschillende woordvoerders, AWS-klanten en -partners.

Nutanix BW start 6 mei - 20 mei
Nutanix BN start 6 mei - 20 mei

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